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Arduino Uno Dev Kit Ver1

Arduino Uno Dev Kit Ver1
Arduino Uno Dev Kit Ver1
Arduino Uno Dev Kit Ver1
Arduino Uno Dev Kit Ver1
Arduino Uno Dev Kit Ver1
Arduino Uno Dev Kit Ver1
Arduino Uno Dev Kit Ver1
Arduino Uno Dev Kit Ver1
Arduino Uno Dev Kit Ver1
  • Stock: 5
  • Model: DK001
  • Weight: 0.60kg
QR 350.00
Ex Tax: QR 350.00

About the Dev Kit

The JK Electric Uno Development Kit is an Arduino learning Kit based on Arduino Uno, featuring extra built-in sensors and actuators. It is designed to facilitate the attachment of some sensors, displays and actuators to the Arduino Uno without using wires. Since the board already have Arduino Uno board, anyone can use the board to attach and test their own sensors and peripherals externally. The board is ideal for researchers, Students, engineers and electronic enthusiasts who are doing experiments with Arduino and microcontroller based systems developments.

What is it included?

·         Arduino Uno board

·         HC-SR04 Ultrasound Sensor

·         One channel relay module

·         8 SMD LEDs

·         16 x 2 character type LCD module with I2C communication

·         MAX7219 eight digit 7 segment display with SPI communication

·         5V active buzzer

·         10K Ohms multi-turn potentiometer

·         DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor

·         IR remote control sensor

·         6 micro switches with built in de-bouncing circuit

·         MPU6050 gyroscope and accelerometer 

Download the Dev Kit's Manual